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A.H. Beard Celebrates 120 Years

Time:2020-01-08 13:48:08    Share:

Australian mattress manufacturer A.H. Beard, headquartered in Sydney, recently celebrated its 120th anniversary. 

Founded in 1899 as The Australian Bedding Mill by Enoch William Beard, the fourth-generation, family-owned company is committed to quality, integrity and craftsmanship, said Allyn Beard, company director. “When you consider that less than 4% of companies survive four generations, you realize what an achievement this is.” 

A.H. Beard employs 400 craftspeople at seven manufacturing plants and sells beds in Asia, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere around the world.

In addition to manufacturing its own range of brands, the company licensed the King Koil brand in the 1970s. 

The company boasts a high employee retention rate, with most employees having been with the company for at least 15 years.

In December, at an anniversary celebration featuring food, gifts and speeches, there were employees, past employees, family members and many A.H. Beard business partners in attendance.

Allyn and Garry Beard, and Tony Pearson, addressed the gathering, discussing the company’s past achievements — and trials, the success and challenges of the present, and plans for the future.