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Chinese mattress imports fall 98% in July to 9,980 units, report says

Time:2019-10-18 08:48:06    Share:

Chinese mattress imports declined 98% in July to 9,980 units, an industry report says. Total mattress imports declined 22% year-over-year in July, as growth in all other countries outside China was not large enough to offset the China decline, Raymond James said.

“This marks the second consecutive double-digit total mattress import decline and is a favorable development for the U.S. bedding industry,” the firm said.

Raymond James, based here, said U.S. International Trade Commission statistics for July showed yet another major decline for Chinese mattress imports, which saw a 92% year-over-year decline in June and a 55% year-over-year decline in May.

On a sequential basis, China mattress imports were down 75% in July, Raymond James said. “Clearly, some of the China mattress production is shifting to other countries and not all is moving to the U.S.,” the firm said in its analysis of the import numbers.

28% share of mattress import market in July, analyst says

Vietnamese bedding producers continue to gain market share, according to the government’s July figures on mattress imports. Those figures, analyzed by Raymond James, based here, show that Vietnam commanded a 28% share of July mattress imports, with shipments that month of 144,947 units. That is Vietnam’s highest monthly shipment total.

, increasing by more than 53,000 units from June. Mexico, with 101,183 mattress units shipped to the U.S. in July, had a 20% share of the mattress import market. All other countries had a 50% share of the market in July, the Raymond James analysis said.