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ISPA: Mattress import units up 5.3% in March-May period

Time:2019-08-10 13:52:43    Share:

Mattress imports were up 5.3% in units in the second quarter, while the dollar value of mattress imports increased 1.6%, an industry report says. The second quarter Bedding Market Quarterly, issued by the International Sleep Products Assn., shows that bedding imports continue on their growth path in the U.S. market.

Year-to-date mattress import units are up 34%, while imported mattress dollars are up 30.9%. Imported stationary foundation units are up 30% in that same time period, while the dollar value of imported stationary foundations is up 40.5%, according to the ISPA report.

The domestic bedding industry, in contrast, suffered declines in mattress and stationary foundation production in the second quarter and the first six months of the year, ISPA said.